Seattle Public Schools


Family Engagement and Partnerships

Why Engage & Partner with Families?

Research indicates that parental involvement at home has more than double the impact on student test scores compared to parents’ education level and socioeconomic status.

Families have a major influence on their children’s achievement. When schools, families, and community groups work together to support student learning, children and teens tend to do better, stay in school longer, and like school more. Our SPS families are critical partners.

What is School-Family Engagement & Partnership?

School-Family engagement is the collaborative interaction between educators and families that promotes student learning and positive child and youth development at home, in school, and in the community.

When School-Family Engagement is intentional and authentic on both sides, it builds a relationship that leads to a true Partnership! Maintaining a true School-Family Partnership from Kindergarten through 12th grade is an intentional and shared responsibility of families and schools and will yield great outcomes for students’ success if considered seriously.

Intentional Family Engagement?

Family Partnerships
Family Engagement Plan

Share Power & Responsibility
G1 Engage with students as key partners in their own education
G2 Engage with families as partners, resources & experts in ensuring their students' success
G3 Be transparent & intentional about levels of engagement

Welcoming Environments

G1 Train all staff to engage everyone who enters & exits the building with kindness, respect + integrity
G2 Ensure qualify of facilities + tools are equitable & accessible
G3 Use materials that are inspiring & culturally relevant

Facilitate Respectful Interactions
G1 Share info about school & student progress
G2 Respond to parents' questions + inquiries in timely manner
G3 Follow up + through on commitments with professionalism & care

2-Way Communication
G1 Learn cultural norms for students & families
G2 Establish communication norms & preferences with all stakeholders
G3 Communicate with families across multiple mediums & methods

The 4 Pillars of Family Engagement Framework

The 4 pillars and the goals listed within the framework are designed to engage students, families, school staff, and district staff on various levels and to provide an accessible path for creating and maintaining best practices for family engagement that lead to true partnership!

Is your School a 4 Pillar School?

  • Does your school Share Power and Responsibility?
  • Does your school Facilitate Positive Interactions?
  • Does your school have a Welcoming Environment?
  • Does your school provide Two-Way Communications?

Each Pillar has Goals. When you fulfill the goals of that pillar, you can authentically say that you are a 4 Pillar school, that is intentional about School-Family engagement and partnership for better student outcomes.

The 4 Pillars of Family Engagement framework was codesigned in 2018 by the SPS Family Engagement Task Force. This task force comprised SPS student family members, community-based organizations, school staff, and district staff from across the SPS district. Their mission was to center family engagement to ensure families and schools work together to support and improve the learning, development, and whole health of all SPS students.

Family engagement work is done through the Dual Capacity Building Framework and Seattle Public Schools’ 6 standards of family engagement.

Dual Capacity Building Framework 
Karen Mapp video explaining Dual Capacity-Building Framework

Culture Counts: Engaging Black and Latino Parents of Young Children in Family Support Programs
Shannon Moodie, Manica Ramos | Child Trends & Alliance for Early Success | October 2014 

RoadMap Project
Addressing systemic barriers to racial equity, amplifying community voice, and building stronger systems in seven King County school districts. Clear, easy to understand and read data and current news!  

Charting a Course to Equitable Collaboration: Learning from Parent Engagement Initiatives in the Road Map Project
Road Map Project & College of Education University of Washington | June 2014

2018 National Advisory Council: Why Educational Equity is Everybody’s Business

Creating a Culture of Two-Way Communication

National PTA 
A resource for parents that offers useful information to parents and supports you to stay involved in the life of your child every day 

Annie E. Casey Foundation’s Family and Community Involvement
Information, resources, and tools, including webinars, blogs, reports, and best practices that help families, communities, and schools to work in partnership with one another.

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)  replaced No Child Left Behind (NCLB) on December 10, 2015. It is the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). ESSA will be fully operational in the school year 2017-18. OSPI is in the process of implementing the law, beginning with the identification of schools for Comprehensive and Targeted supports in the ESSA Index. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.